New tools are being released daily, and with the availability of so many libraries and frameworks in the market, it has become more difficult for business owners to choose the right one for their projects.

To solve your problem, we have curated some of the powerful web development tools that you can consider in 2021. Before going into that, let me give you a brief description of what is a web development framework and its benefits.

What is a Web Development Framework?

Web development frameworks are software frameworks used by developers to ease a web application process that includes web resources, web services, and web API. They help developers concentrate more on their tasks rather than the complex coding part. Web framework helps in the:

      • Prototyping
      • Design
      • Implementation stages of the web app development

It simplifies the maintenance and enhancement of a web app.

A framework aims to let designers or developers focus on building a unique feature for their web-based projects. Now, based on your project, you may choose one web framework that fulfils all your requirements.

Which framework to choose in 2021, Angular Vs. React Vs. Vue?

How are frameworks beneficial?

      • Frameworks help developers save time and energy during app development as they don’t need to focus on session handling, error handling, data sanitisation, etc.
      • Frameworks that already have a good skeleton structure to use can create well-organised web apps more easily
      • Eases debugging, application deployment, and maintenance
      • They offer tools to cover the common CRUD cases like create, read, update, delete
      • They have built-in security features that automatically protect the website from both present and future security threats
      • Improves Database Proficiency
      • Reduces Code Length

So, that’s it! Now, we will learn about some powerful tools that you can choose for your web development according to your requirements. In this list, I have included both front-end and back-end frameworks. Let’s have a look at them.

Powerful tools that you can choose for your web development

1. React.js

It is technically not a framework. In fact, React is a library for building composable user interfaces. It is a declarative, efficient, and flexible open-source JavaScript library that helps to create fast, simple, and scalable frontends of web applications.

React.js was created by Facebook in 2011, and in 2013, Facebook made it open-source. Initially, the developer community rejected it, as it used Markup and JavaScript in a single file. But, when more people started experimenting with it, they started welcoming the component-centric approach for separating concerns.

More and more businesses recognise the importance of a good User Experience, and React.js serves as the easiest way to streamline your app experience. That said, let’s see its benefits.

The benefits:

      • Is flexible: Compared to other front-end frameworks, the React code is easier to maintain also due to its modular structure, it is flexible. This flexibility saves a huge amount of time and money to businesses.
      • It makes complex apps run extremely fast: React.js was designed to provide high performance in mind. The core of the framework offers: A virtual DOM program and Server-side rendering. This makes complex apps run extremely fast.
      • Easy to learn: Compared to Angular & Vue, React.js is much easier to learn. This is one of the reasons why React gained popularity so fast. It helps businesses build their projects faster. Many businesses and big brands are more likely to use React as it is a simple framework that is easy to learn and get started with.
      • Helps build rich user interfaces: Today, the user interface (UI) quality matters a lot. If your application’s UI is poor, chances are that your application won’t succeed. At the same time, if your application is of top-notch, then there are better chances that your users will love to use your application. And, React.js can help you create such kinds of applications.
      • It is SEO-friendly: If you don’t know, let me tell you, for online business, SEO is the gateway to success. Page loading speed is one of the critical factors that help your site rank high in search engines. When faster a page loads, the chances are more your app will rank better on search engines.

So, compared to other frameworks, React.js reduces page load time and helps your page rank better.

2. Angular

Angular is an in-demand open-source development JavaScript framework maintained by Google. Google operates this framework and is designed to be used for developing rich Single Page Applications (SPA). It can create all the interactive elements we normally find on a website. Over half a million websites like Google, Youtube, Netflix, etc., use Angular.

The benefits:

      • Supports SPA features: SPAs are a web application type that loads a single HTML page. The page is updated dynamically according to the user’s interaction with the web app. SPAs provide a better user experience as no one likes to wait too long for reloading the whole webpage.
      • Has a declarative UI: Angular creates templates using HTML. It is a declarative language that is popularly used. Thanks to its scalability and innate intuitiveness.
      • Has a two-way binding feature: Angular has a two-way binding feature. The benefit of two-way binding is almost automatic retrievals from (and updates to) the data store. When the data store updates, the UI also immediately gets updated.
      • Real-time testing: Angular allows for both end-to-end testing and unit testing. It offers a testing feature such as dependency injection that helps to oversee how the components of your web application are generated.
      • Cross-platform: You can use Angular to make web applications, native mobile apps, desktop apps.

3. Vue.js

Vue.js started as an individual project, and it quickly started becoming one of the most trending JS frameworks out there. It is an open-source JS framework for creating a creative UI. The integration with Vue in projects using other JS libraries is simplified as it is designed to be adaptable.

Currently, more than 36,000 websites are using Vue. It is a much dependable platform for developing cross-platform. When you want to build progressive web apps (PWAs) or web apps that have to be smaller in size, you can choose Vue.js.

The benefits:

      • Very small size: The success of the JS framework comes down to its size. One of the significant advantages of Vue.js is its small size (18-21KB). Due to its smaller size, it takes no time for the user to download it and use it.
      • Developer-friendly: Developers love Vue.js because it is developed with them in mind, and it is a great technology.
      • It makes updating easy: After you have deployed your app, you have to keep up-to-date with bug fixes, additional features, and other improvements. It supports two-way data binding because of its MVVM (Model-view view-Model) architecture. So, whatever updates you make in your UI, it will be reflected back to the data and vice versa.
      • Popular and chosen by the best: While it’s easier to find developers who are already with React or Angular, the learning curve of Vue makes it easy to train your employees to use the technology. It means, if you already have a team of developers, you don’t necessarily have to recruit new ones.

Also read: Vue vs React – The CTOs Guide to Choosing the Right Framework.

4. jQuery

jQuery is the most popular JS library available with so many features for modern-day development. It is a fast and concise library of JS created by John Resig in 2006. JQuery is a cross-platform JS library that is designed to simplify HTML client-side scripting.

Many companies like WordPress, Google, IBM, etc., rely on jQuery to deliver some kind of web browsing experience. Businesses and developers use jQuery to execute easy-to-use APs across multiple browsers.

If you want to create a small web app and want to maintain it easily for years, then, jQuery is the solution. Earlier, businesses needed to use Flash that is not supported by most of the browsers. Now, you can use jQuery to add animation to web apps and give a stunning appearance without affecting the page loading speed.

The benefits:

      • It promotes simplicity: With jQuery’s open coding standards and simple syntax, web designers can reduce the time it takes to deploy an application.
      • jQuery over Flash in terms of SEO: Some jQuery effects are almost similar to Flash, but the benefit is that you can optimise it in terms of SEO.
      • Makes your website look more professional: With the right use of effects or transitions, you can make your website look more professional.
      • Easy to use and understand: jQuery is easy to use and understand, it does not require additional programming skills.

Product Development

5. Django

Django is a high-level Python framework. It promotes high-speed development and well-organized, pragmatic software design. It is one of the most secure web frameworks available, as it is one of the fastest to react to new vulnerabilities.

The benefits:

      • Batteries included: Django prides itself as a batteries-included framework. It means it has a wide range of features and functionalities, including Magical ORM, MVC (Model/View/Control) layout, AJAX support, etc.
      • Scalable: Django is extremely scalable. It can handle traffic, and mobile app API usage of more than 400 million users helping maximise scalability and reduce web hosting costs.
      • Offers high security: Django is more secure as compared to other back-end frameworks because it can prevent most common security mistakes like XSS, CSRF, SQL injection, etc.

6. Express.js

Express.js is a light-weight web development Node.js framework. With express.js, you can easily build applications on the server side.

It prides itself as a minimal, fast, and opinionated framework. Express.js is popular amongst IBM, Accenture, and Uber, and many other companies. It is also compatible with frameworks like Sails, Kraken, and LoopBack.

The benefits:

      • It is simple, easy to set up and customise.
      • Based on HTTP methods and URLs, it allows you to identify your application routes.
      • It easily integrates with various template engines like Vash, Jade, EJS, etc.
      • Express.js enables you to build a server with the REST API.

7. Ruby on Rails (RoR)

RoR is often mentioned alongside JavaScript, Python or Java. If you look deeper into it, you will find out that RoR is not an independent programming language. It is a framework written on top of the Ruby programming language. It is specifically known for being easy to maintain and for opening many opportunities for dev collaboration.

If you want your developers to build your app by simplifying repetitive and straightforward tasks, the RoR is the one that you should choose.

The benefits:

      • Faster development: RoR reduces the web development time by 25-50% compared to other popular web frameworks.
      • Code maintenance and updates are easy: RoR is known for its stability and predictability. You can modify the existing code and add new features to the site easily. This is specifically valuable for long-term projects and startups.
      • Good saving opportunities: RoR is cost-effective. It is free to use by a person or a corporation. It can run on the free, open-source Linux and work well with many free web servers and databases.

8. Flask

It is a python-based framework. Flask doesn’t use any specific libraries or tools, and it doesn’t integrate third-party libraries. It supports extensions that can integrate the needed additional functionality to your websites, such as form validation, and upload handling and authentication. If you want to build simple web apps that use NoSQL databases, you should choose Flask.

The benefits:

      • It has integrated support for unit testing
      • Flask offers high flexibility
      • Higher compatibility with the latest technologies
      • It has HTTP request handling functionality

9. Spring

Spring is a Model-View-Controller framework. Wix, BillGuard, and TicketMaster are websites that are users of this framework. Spring owns many sister projects that improve its performance and allow you to scale your business quickly.

In large enterprises, when web applications exist for a long time, run on JDK and app servers, you can use the Spring framework. Along with that, you can manage dependable transaction management, caching, security, or logging if you use the Spring framework.

The benefits:

      • Developer-friendly: The spring framework is easily testable and configurable. It boosts the development process and helps developers for rapid development. Most importantly, the documentation is free, and the quality is unmatchable.
      • Ordered and flexible: Spring is organized; you won’t face any trouble using it. The number of classes and packages of the Spring framework is sizable. But, you should concentrate on the desired ones you need and neglect the rest.
      • Easy integration with other frameworks: One best thing about Spring is it doesn’t try to solve the solved problems; instead, it tries to integrate with the existing technologies. For instance, Hibernate, ORM technologies, logging frameworks, REST or SOAP web-services, and Big-Data. So, it is very compatible with other frameworks.

10. Laravel

Choosing Laravel framework makes web development easier for developers. It can simplify real-time event broadcasting and create a robust background and job processing. If you are going to build large and robust web apps like online communities, eCommerce apps, social networking apps, CRM, and CMS systems, you can choose Laravel. By choosing Laravel, you can also experience higher performance and scalability in your web applications.

Many popular sites such as Flarum, Koel, October CMS, etc are built with Laravel. It is powerful, accessible, and provides tools to build successful web applications.

The benefits:

      • High security: Laravel can provide high-class security. It does not allow any security threats or malware activities to enter inside the app. Choosing Laravel keeps your web application risk-free from any unintended and hidden SQL injections.
      • Powerful authentication: One of the highly challenging functionality for web developers is developing authentication for web applications. Laravel makes it easy for developers to make a logic behind providing access to the authorised users.
      • Blade templating: This blade templating engine feature of Laravel allows web developers to use the pre-defined templates to write specific codes. Using Laravel with the blade templating benefit makes your website light-weighted without compromising its performance.


So, these are some powerful web development tools that you can consider for your app development. If you ask which is the best tool for your startup product development. Well, it depends on your needs and the outcomes you expect from the app.

As a founder, you are responsible for many important things related to your business; most likely, you don’t have the time to determine the right tool for your product development. There comes the need for you to approach a reliable web app development company to help you choose the right tool for your product development.

With several years of experience helping many startups and enterprises, NeoITO can help you to build your product based on your requirements and are responsible for fulfilling your goals.

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